Friday, July 23, 2010


Chatter ( is Salesforce’s new tool for business to collaborate online. Whether you need to collaborate about projects or customer service it allows you to talk to everyone at work in real time.

I would love to use Salesforce’s Chatter for team collaboration. It allows you to create groups within your organization for team projects and post up-to-date comments on projects ongoing. You can share documents with each other and give real time feedback instead of waiting for an email that everyone in the group needs to respond to. No more forgetting to hit “reply all” in an email or forgetting someone in the group when emailing important information. You can even bring in other Social Networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. And for people always on the go there is a mobile version so you can continue to get up-to-date feeds on what is happening with the team.

Project management can be streamlined, assigning tasks, posting dues dates, and uploading your work to the group’s collaboration page and most importantly it all safe and secure. It is important to be able to talk to everyone on your team especially when they all work different schedules for from different locations. To have everything in one location is wonderful and you can belong to more than one group.

My organization currently uses Salesforce but we have not taken advantage of this new tool “Chatter” but I believe it would make us more effective with communication within the organization.

The Cost... it is a subscription based service and it varies depending on how many people you have in your organization and what there needs are.

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